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9 Strategies For Speedy Nail Drying Following A Manicure

by Maby Blog
9 Strategies For Speedy Nail Drying Following A Manicure

To suggest that waiting for your nail paint to dry may be a pain in the neck is certainly an understatement. There are situations in which you have no choice but to remain immobile, such as when you are awaiting an important phone call or attempting to scratch an itch while positioned in an awkward position. Even while waiting can be an incredibly frustrating experience, many of us are willing to put up with it because we are aware that the alternative, which is losing a freshly painted manicure in a matter of minutes, is much more undesirable.

It is important for those of you who can’t stand to wait around while your manicure dries to be aware that there are techniques to speed up the process. It won’t help your manicure dry in seconds unless you get a gel manicure, but it will cut down on the amount of time it takes for it to dry, which means you’ll be able to show it off sooner. In order to speed up the drying time of nail polish, professional nail artists propose the following methods and materials, such as quick-drying topcoats and cooking spray. Please visit Maby blog to update the latest nail news.

Polish in very thin, equal coats

Brittney Boyce, the founder of NAILS OF LA and a celebrity nail artist, says that applying thin, even layers is the greatest way to speed up the drying time of a DIY manicure. “Thick layers will always take longer to dry, plus the finish can look uneven and goopy,” she explains. She suggests using a one-stroke motion in the center and two-stroke motions on either side while applying polish.

Put on several coats of nail paint, drying time between each

Professional nail technician and LeChat Nails educator Syreeta Aaron recommends drying your nails between coats of polish in addition to employing thin layers. You can fan dry your nails for 30 seconds to a minute after applying your first coat of lacquer (the base coat). When the nails are completely dried, you apply a topcoat and repeat the process.

Collect a fan

Many people claim that you can speed up the drying time of your manicure by blasting it with a blow dryer on the cool setting. However, as Boyce points out, this can cause the polish to become uneven and dull the surface. She says a fan will speed up the drying process and help the polish harden. “A gentle fan can help the solvents in nail polish evaporate faster without moving the polish,” she explains. Bubbles can form if you get too close, so be careful.

Apply a topcoat that dries quickly

Boyce claims that a quick-drying topcoat may completely transform a manicure. Try Orly Sec N’ Dry ($11; ulta.com), a fast-drying nail polish with a resin that secures the top coat and prevents chips.

Drying drops should be used

“These are typically formulated with some sort of oil and silicone blend that absorb the solvents in nail polish to speed up the drying process,” explains Boyce. “Some also serve to condition you in other ways.” Try using some drying drops, like OPI’s Drip Dry Lacquer ($14; ulta.com). In addition, please refer to: Eight Easy Nail Care Tips to Permanently Eliminate Dry, Brittle Nails.

Spray the cooking pan with nonstick spray

Not able to locate any suitable drying drops? According to Boyce, you may speed up the drying process of your manicure by putting a cooking spray or any oil (coconut, olive, or even baby oil) to the nail beds.

Test out some spray enamel

Nail drying sprays, often known as enamel sprays, are another option, according to Aaron. Demert Nail Enamel Dryer ($8, amazon.com) is one that she recommends because it not only helps the nails dry faster but also keeps the cuticles moist.

Do a cold water soak for your nails

It is recommended by Boyce that you run cold water over your nails in order to accelerate the process of the thickeners in your nail polish settling down. Be aware of this method because it is possible that it is not the best choice for drying the bottom layers of polish, which may cause your manicure to look uneven or to chip more quickly in the long run. However, if you find yourself in a dilemma, this alternative solution is one that is straightforward and efficient.

Do not use a primer or basecoat

The use of a base coat in addition to a top coat, as Boyce explained it, extends the amount of time needed for the paint to fully dry by a considerable amount. You can save time by using a one-step polish, such as Orly Breathable Treatment + Color ($10; ulta.com), which does not require the application of a separate base coat or top coat. This will allow you to complete the process more quickly. You will be able to finish the process more rapidly as a result of this.