Home » An Explanation Of The Color Psychology That Lies Behind Your Favorite Winter Nail Colors

An Explanation Of The Color Psychology That Lies Behind Your Favorite Winter Nail Colors

by Maby Blog

It’s common knowledge that different colors evoke different emotional responses in people. We have a tendency to be drawn to particular tones without even being aware of it, whether we are putting up a killer outfit that is loaded with our favorite seasonal colors or a lipstick collection that will last the ages.

According to Lynne Marks, who serves as the worldwide director of the London Image Institute, color is actually an extremely crucial way that we express information about things (including ourselves) in a manner that is nonverbal. That means the winter nail colors you usually keep in your rotation may reveal more about you than you realize, especially if you wear them frequently. Marks claims that “color psychology has become a prominent topic of color theory” and that “color psychology assigns emotional and psychological connections between colors and emotions.” Whether or not you like color is typically influenced by memories from your childhood as well as the associations you have made between different hues and emotions; if you had to wear yellow to school when you were a kid and your classmates made fun of you for it, it’s unlikely that yellow will ever be your favorite color when you’re an adult. Using this insight as a point of reference prompted me to engage in more in-depth reflection on the colors that I find most appealing, particularly regarding my nail polish. My preference during the winter months is for darker nail colors that are appropriate for wearing with sweaters and boots. To take this a step further, I felt it would be only right to ask Marks for some perspective on some of the most frequent dark nail colors that are worn throughout the winter, as well as what the emotions elicited by them may reveal about us as individuals.

This is what Marks has to say on the topic if you’re curious as to why your winter nail color choices are so meaningful to you. While the topics of color theory and psychology are obviously highly subjective, those who are interested can keep reading. Please visit Maby blog to update the latest nail news.


In my opinion, the color burgundy, which is both beautiful and seductive, is frequently disregarded when it comes to choosing nail polish. According to Marks, burgundy is a color that may be conceptualized as a hybrid of red and purple. It makes one think of opulence and ambition and perhaps even of the monarchy. It is also incredibly introspective since it has the potential to enable you to sit with your ideas, dreams, and feelings in a more profound manner. In a nutshell, it fits in well with the spirit of the season. If you find yourself drawn to this color on a regular basis, you are most likely an idealist who is sensitive and sympathetic but also possesses a powerful sense of richness. You are someone who appreciates the finer things in life, and you want the color of your nails to convey a powerful sense of elegance.


Those of you who choose a more somber and hazy shade of gray are probably the ones who put in the most effort out of everyone here. According to Marks, those who are drawn to gray tend to be more conventional, intellectual, and businesslike. It indicates that you never fail to get the work done no matter what.


In the world of nail polish colors, black may have a long tradition of being the defiant one, but in terms of color psychology, it stirs up more than you might think it would. A deep black color conveys an air of refinement while also implying strength and authority. 

Rich Brown

It goes without saying that this does not imply that you are someone who likes to dominate others, but it may suggest that you enjoy making daring statements and being in complete command of the situations in which you find yourself. A color that is both earthy and woodsy is one that is rich brown. 

Royal Blue

According to Marks, if you find yourself drawn to this hue, it indicates that you are someone who exudes confidence, both in yourself and in others. It is a reassuring shade that might be seen by others as authoritative, convincing, trustworthy, and dependable. This is because of the shade’s reassuring nature. You are probably the buddy that everyone goes to when they need some guidance in life. The shade of royal blue seems to best represent the winter season when compared to the other dark nail colors. 

Marks believes that it is a hue that evokes sentiments of tranquility, trust, loyalty, and honesty. If you have a connection to this color, it indicates that you are probably a trustworthy person who tends to make decisions that are more traditional. Marks goes so far as to argue that politicians frequently wear this hue because it generates the impression that the politician is reliable and trustworthy.


According to Marks, the color green has a character that is both natural and revitalizing. Others are prompted to think about the natural world, equilibrium, growth, and wealth as a result. People who gravitate toward a shade of dark green typically like a sense of harmony, predictability, and safety in their immediate environment (so basically, Libras). It is also said to be symbolic of rebirth and independence, which means that you might be going through a period of a big transition in your life that is causing you to be more in tune with your feelings and the people and places around you. In addition, please refer to: 14 Dark Green shades This Winter’s It-Color for Stylish Nail Polish.