
Have you ever wondered how to paint nails expertly? You’ve come to the correct place to give yourself a home manicure without smudged nails or polish-covered cuticles. The days of overspending on a mani at the salon are long gone; nowadays, you can cut costs in your beauty regimen by choosing to do your nails. The methods below will help you give yourself, your favorite person, from filing your nails to capping everything off with a top lacquer. With Maby, you can take the initiative in everything.
Particularly now that there are so many incredible colors to select from, perfectly painted nails may reflect your personality, compliment your attire, and communicate your mood. Classic red, cheerful yellow, original green, enigmatic purple, gleaming blue, and many other colors are available. It’s simple to forget that painting your nails (without a mess) can be challenging with all the enthusiasm. You might never need another manicure from a pro if you read on to learn how to polish your nails nicely at home! Proper nail care with Maby blog.
Step 1. clean your nails
Make sure your nails are clean and free of any leftover polish or residue before starting. To ensure you’re dealing with a clean slate, soak a cotton ball in an acetone-based nail paint remover and then wipe it across your nails.
Step 2. clip, clip, clip
You wouldn’t want a manicure that was uneven, right? We guessed wrong! You might have had one or more damaged nails in addition to the fact that your nails might grow at varying rates. Your claws should be clipped to a generally even length using nail clippers.
Step 3. file and shape
After that, shape and smooth the edges of your nails with a nail file to achieve the aesthetic you want. There are numerous variations, including square, oval, and circular shapes. Which shape suits you the best?
Step 4. soak your nails
Spend a few minutes soaking your nails in a bowl of warm water. Your cuticles will get softer as a result, which will be helpful for the subsequent phase.
Step 5. push back your cuticles
Your cuticles can be gently pushed back using an orangewood stick. Because your cuticles are there for a reason, we advise against using cuticle clippers. They can be moved to produce a neat, unified appearance.
Step 6. smooth on a base coat
It will help if you put a base coat on each nail as your final step in the preparation process. This will make your polish stay longer and keep your nails from being stained.
Step 7. apply your nail polish
Please start the drums! The time has come for you to learn how to paint your nails at home finally. To begin, take your nail polish brush and wipe it off on the bottle’s neck to remove any excess polish from the bristles. Next, paint each of your nails with a single coat of nail polish. Start by painting the nail center with a stripe of polish, then use a curved brush to paint the sides of the nail. If you color outside the lines, don’t worry; we can talk about how to repair that later.
Before applying the second layer of polish, give the area at least two minutes to dry. If necessary, you can add one more layer after that, but stay under three coats because doing so increases the risk of the polish flaking off in the future.
Step 8. reach for a top coat
In the same way, you would seal your makeup look with a setting spray. You should finish your at-home manicure using a top coat. This will help to stop chipping and establish how your nails will look. You may personalize your at-home manicure by choosing between top coats with matte or high-shine finishes.
Step 9. clean things up
No one is flawless, and we’ll be the first to say it. There is a simple solution if you made a few mistakes and got polish on your fingertips. To remove any polish that shouldn’t be there, thoroughly cover the edge of your nails with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover.
Alternatively, wait for your nails to dry before washing your hands with warm water. Any polish on your skin should easily peel off!
Step 10. apply cuticle oil
Cuticle oil is how professionals always finish a manicure, and you should follow their lead. Applying a drop of oil to the base of each of your nails can give the skin around your nails some tender loving care and improve the appearance of your manicure.
Step 11. finish with hand cream
Your hands want to get in on the moisture action, so don’t let your cuticles be the only moist area. You don’t want your manicure compromised by dry, cracked hands! While at it, give your hands a brief massage, and you’ll feel like you’re at the spa! and Signs You Need To Take A Break From Doing Your Nails.