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How To Do Your Nails For A Job Interview

by Maby Blog
How To Do Your Nails For A Job Interview

Even if your interview outfit—a navy blue, expertly tailored skirt suit with the ideal hose and pumps—is flawless, your chances of getting the job may still be affected by your accessories, such as your fingernails, cosmetics, and hairstyle. An excellent first impression is aided by choosing the proper dress, shoes, accessories, and professional nail colors for interviews. With Maby, you can take the initiative in everything.

Nothing will relieve the anxiety an impending job interview brings, but having beautiful nails can’t make it any worse, either. The last thing you or your possible new employer needs to be concerned about as you sit in front of them is how your hands and nails look. The best thing you can do is to make sure you have a stunning manicure the night before the interview. You’ve probably already planned your dress and cosmetics for the discussion, so give your nails the same care. But what hue should I wear? Listen up: Glitter and bright colors are not appropriate right now. Find out how to manicure your nails for a job interview here. Explore Maby blog to learn more about nails.

Interview manicure tip 1: show your hands some tlc

Give your hands some additional love and attention before deciding on a hue. You don’t want your potential employer to notice that your hands are rough and dull when you extend your hand to shake them. No way! Whether you like it or not, the person (or persons) conducting the interview will evaluate you based on more than just your résumé. Your hands shouldn’t exhibit cracked nail polish, bitten nails, dry skin, or chewed-up fingers to give them every reason to believe you’re calm, collected, and composed.

Ensure your hands are adequately hydrated, your cuticles are nicely pulled back, and your nails are filed smoothly before the big day. The ideal nail shape for a situation like this is one with a rounded tip. It is timeless, fashionable, and elegant—examples of beautiful interview nails! Please follow the nail tutorial:

Step #1: exfoliate

Use a sugar scrub to exfoliate the dead, dull skin cells off your hands. After applying a small amount of the scrub to your hands for 30 seconds, rinse them with warm water.

Step #2: moisturize

After rinsing the scrub off, seek your preferred hand moisturizer. While your hands are still damp, apply a substantial amount.

Step #3: gently push back your cuticles

Gently and gently push back each cuticle with a cuticle pusher or your fingers. After giving your hands the attention they merit, it’s time to select the shade of nail paint.

Interview manicure tip #2: keep things simple

It’s recommended to opt for a more understated appearance because potential employers won’t be as impressed by it as they are by your love of glitter and vibrant colors. For the weekend, leave the unique nail art at home! Additionally, matching your nails to your dress or lip color is always intelligent. This does not necessarily include wearing all-black attire and having all-black nails. Decide on a subtle polish shade that complements your outfit instead. Any shade of light pink or nude is okay. Wear a traditional hue, like pink or red, if you want to look more daring. You might match your pink or red nails with similar lipstick if you bring more color to your face.

Interview manicure tip #3: carefully polish your nails

Once you’ve chosen your nail polish, here’s what to do:

Step #1: apply a base coat

To ensure your nail paint’s even and flawless application, you should apply a base coat beforehand. Swipe a little layer onto each nail, wait for it to dry completely, and then go to the following step.

Step #2: paint on your color

You are prepared to apply your chosen color once your base coat has dried. Each nail should receive a thin coat of paint before a second coat is applied. Add another layer if your polish appears too streaky for a more opaque result.

Step #3: apply a top coat

You won’t want to put all this effort and thought into your appearance just for your nails to start chipping before you even get to the interview, would you? Applying a top coat as your last step can protect your manicure from chips and give it a glossy finish.

Interview manicure tip #4: don’t forget to clean up mistakes

Your nails are painted, but what should a girl do if you don’t have steady hands? Don’t worry if you need to buff something correctly. Please pick up a little paintbrush and soak it in acetone. Run the brush around your cuticles and the skin surrounding your nails to remove any polish that didn’t make it onto your nails. You’re virtually a pro, ta-da! Apply a little cuticle oil, and your manicure will appear to have been done at a nail salon.

Your nails are now prepared for the lengthy interview. Keep in mind to shake hands firmly and make eye contact. I wish you luck!