
The color of your toenails should be light enough to see through. However, chromonychia—in which the toenail is a non-normal hue such as yellow, purple, or brown—can occur for a number of reasons.
You should get medical attention right away if you see any change in the normal color of your toenails. Read on for a look at some potential reasons for discolored toenails. Please visit Maby blog to update the latest nail news.
Toenail brown spots: what can cause them?
Most cases of discoloration of the toenail are the result of medical conditions. It is possible to treat many of these issues. However, there are a few of them that are immune to treatment.
Toenail discoloration can be caused by a number of factors, including:
Toenail discoloration due to nail fungus.
Toenail discolouration is sometimes caused by onychomycosis, the medical term for nail fungus.
Nail fungus is brought on by dermatophytes. They thrive by consuming the keratin in your skin. Toenail infections cause a gradual discoloration that begins at the nail’s tip and extends distally.
Toenail onychomycosis manifests as a reddish brown patch on the nail. Green, yellow, and black are some additional possible reflectors. Onychomycosis is made worse by things like being barefoot in public, sweating excessively, and getting cuts near your nails.
Additionally, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems are at a greater risk of developing nail fungus.
Toenail brown spot caused by injury
Injuries are another common reason for chromonychia. This ailment is common among athletes because to the many nail-related injuries they sustain on the field. This ailment is common among people who wear narrow shoes or who have recently suffered a foot injury.
The color of your toenail may start out red or purple and fade to brown over time. It’s possible that the color will darken to black.
Toenail With a Black Spot
A brown patch on the toenail could be melanoma or nail psoriasis.
Brown spots on your toenails could be a sign of melanoma, a rare form of skin cancer. Each passing day will highlight these spots more, and eventually, they will spread to the skin around the nail. Until you do anything about it, it will continue to spread.
The brown spot may be an indication of melanoma, but only a specialist can tell for sure. Brown spots on the nails can also be caused by a lack of vitamins, psoriasis, or even cardiovascular disease.
Toenail discoloration caused by medication
As a side effect of medicine, discoloration of the toenails has been reported occasionally. The toenail color of people taking medications for rheumatoid arthritis can range from pale to deep brown.
As a result, it’s safe to assume that the drug itself is to blame when brown spots appear on your toenails.
Possible Solutions for Toenail Discoloration
The discoloration’s root cause will determine your treatment options. fungus spots can only be treated with certain fungus medications. If you need help with anything else, see a doctor. Let’s look at what choices you have.
Nail Fungus Treatment Options
Mild fungal infections typically cause no pain in the afflicted nail. Common antifungal drugs like clotrimazole and terbinafine are fine to take. Home antifungal treatments may also be effective in curing the condition.
Nail fungus is considered serious when symptoms such as discomfort and cracking or hardening of the nail are present. A medical professional can diagnose your condition and recommend a course of therapy.
If you don’t get rid of nail fungus quickly, it might cause irreparable damage to your nails.
How to remove brown spots caused by an injury
Eventually, the body will repair itself after an injury. Reducing tension in the injured foot may speed up the recovery process. Applying ice to your toenail can help reduce swelling and pain.
Keep in mind, though, that it could be a few months before your toenail returns to its original shade. If the discomfort is unbearable, you should see a doctor. They’ll figure out what’s wrong and treat it so it doesn’t get worse.
What can i do about my yellow nails?
Melanoma and Other Medical Concerns: How to Treat Them Spotting, Brown
Melanoma is the deadliest kind of skin cancer, and the course of treatment depends on the patient’s current illness stage. People diagnosed with this cancer at an early stage have a better chance of recovery than those diagnosed at a later stage.
Surgery, radiotherapy, pharmaceuticals, and chemotherapy are all potential treatment options. Without prompt medical attention, melanoma can be fatal.
Psoriasis is characterized by an abnormal proliferation of skin cells. Various areas of your skin will become red, itchy, and scaly as a result of this ailment. Medication, ointments, and light therapy are only some of the options for treatment.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that this illness can only be controlled, not healed. Psoriasis is also potentially lifelong.
If you feel unwell in any manner, it’s advisable to consult a doctor right once. You should be on the lookout for other symptoms and signs of these nail illnesses, as the development of brown spots on your toenails may not immediately raise your concerns.
Brown spots on a toenail are a warning sign that you should probably visit the doctor. Prevention is always preferable to treatment.
How to remove brown spots caused by medications
If you haven’t finished your medication, the brown patches won’t go away.
You can consult a medical professional if your worries regarding these spots are warranted. Medications aside, they may be able to aid.
How to remove brown spots caused by nail polish
The only way to prevent the brown spots caused by nail polish is to stop using it. Your body needs time to reassert its power over the chemicals in the keratin layers of your toenail, and you’ll give it that chance if you do this.
Avoiding Discolored Toenails
Toenail discoloration can be avoided with little effort. A little bit of watchfulness and self-control is all that’s required. To prevent the yellowing of the toenails, you can do things like:
Maintain a regular routine of foot washing and nail moisturizing.
Put your feet in some shoes that can let some air in.
Smooth the rough edges off your toenails.
Walk or participate in sports with caution.
Wet feet should not be covered by clothing.
Wearing nail paint for more than two weeks at a time is not recommended.
Nails play a crucial role in the development of a sound body. Always keep them clean and hydrated. Eating well-rounded meals can also help your nails grow strong and healthy. Get checked out ASAP if you spot anything out of the ordinary happening to your toenails.
SEEK THE ADVICE OF A QUALIFIED DOCTOR FOR ALL ILLNESSES. The above is provided for educational purposes only and is not meant to replace the advice of a trained professional.
Odell, Ruth
New Orleans-based freelance writer Ruth Odell. She has a license to style hair and enjoys trying out different techniques and styles. She’s a nail art devotee who enjoys doing designs on her own nails.
Like me, Ruth like bright hues, and she thinks that painted fingernails are the best way to express one’s individuality. Also you can refer to: Expert dermatologist advice on nail strengthening.